Now you can start your business with a good idea

3 min readDec 15, 2020

Every ambitious person has the same major objective; come up with the next game changing idea.

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

And this is where most businesses get stuck…..

If you have ever thought about starting your own business or pursuing entrepreneurship, but don’t have a solid idea to work off of. It can be disheartening to even just put pen to paper.

While this is a simple question “ how to come up with an idea for my business”, it is much harder to answer it.

Coming up with an idea for your business should be approached with the same fervor and discipline as any other part of work, and requires dedication to get it off the ground.

The truth is ideation takes organization, planning, and research.

This process is meant to provide clarity around your vision for your business. So.

Here’s how to get started

Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

Solve problems

It’s true.

Great businesses solve problems.

And the first step in ideation is take a problem first approach

What are some problems you have experienced.

Which one of these pains would you like to fix.

What products/services could help with the problem?

By flipping your thinking, we can think in a dimension that is vastly superior than “ I have a great idea and it will adapt to the world”.

The best part is, a problem first approach gives you a starting point and a vision to work forward from.

You will never lose sight of your original purpose of the business and have a foundation to build upon.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

In practice

I asked myself a very important question.

Problem: “ How to decrease unhappiness in career”

After multiple runs of trying to answer this question I landed on my answer.

Answer: “ Make work that matters”

I can’t make you believe in your business, but if you do. I can show you how to make it happen.

So now that we have our problem and our solution to the problem.

We ask, what products or services would help answer this problem.

Begin by brainstorming possibilities that tie into your problem.

Research the market potential, the competition , and find facts that highlight the problem

Back to my example

A global poll conducted by Gallup uncovered that of the 1 billion full time workers in the world, only 15% of them are engaged in their work. That means a whopping 85% of people are deeply unhappy with their jobs. ( jeez that sucks )

This is a powerful number that helps you understand the importance of making a change. This lets your customer empathize and understand the problem you face.

Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash

Recap and Action

  • Think about areas you are passionate in
  • Come up with 3 problems in each
  • Brainstorm how to solve them

Remember that it is best to find problems you have faced and experienced. You will be more motivated to solve these problems and be better equipped to solve it.

Until next time boss!




Yo! What I write about is the all the lessons I have learned as a professional. Yes I do business, but enjoying life with a fulfilling career is what I share.